Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spring Cleaning...Good for the Soul

Does warm weather inspire you?

I don't know what it is about spring, but it makes me want to do three things: dig in the dirt, clean out my closets/drawers, and drink alcoholic beverages outside. LOL. I guess the third one is something everyone wants to do in spring (and summer, winter, fall...).

I've heard it said that most people only wear 25% of the clothes in their closets. Wow. That made me take a good, hard look at my drawers and closets. I ended up with four bags of good-condition clothes, coats and winter wear that were hardly getting worn.

It felt sooooo good to plunk those four bags outside for charity pickup. It also feels really good to look at my spacious storage areas now. Really! It took less than an hour to go through my stuff and it's left me with a freedom. Like getting rid of stuff helped me get rid of some clutter in my head.

So go ahead. Try it. Clean out some of your stuff. Toss it if it's not good quality and donate it if it's something someone else would want. Or even have a yard sale and make some money.

A final word of advice: Wait until you're in the mood to be brutal. If you haven't worn/used it in six months, let it go. Don't be wishy-washy.

Have fun!
And be sure to leave some room on your virtual bookshelf for my upcoming ménage/swinger erotic romance release, Taking Her Home. Coming soon!